Skiing With Dog
The Whitehorse Nordic Centre welcomes dogs on designated areas of our trail system.
Twenty-five years ago, there were approximately 300 members and a small number of people who skied with their dogs. There were very few issues if any. Today our membership is over 2000 (not including day users) and 35% of those people ski with dogs. With a much higher volume of skiers, children, families and dogs, the risk of incidents also increase. Dog Trail is one of our most used trails and is enjoyed by all members, with and without dogs. Children play and practice between the ski Stadium and Telemark Hill.
The first and foremost priority of the Whitehorse Nordic Centre is to ensure the safety of all skiers and to provide an enjoyable experience. This is achieved by skiers exercising proper trail etiquette, installing adequate signage, and maintaining the trail network to reduce chances of injury.
Dog Rules - Code of Conduct for Owners:
Maximum of two dogs per skier, four dogs per group of skiers. When traveling in groups, please spread out between Dog Parking Lot and Harvey's Hut. It can be intimidating for other skiers to encounter numerous dogs together on the trail.
Dog owners are responsible for their dogs and assume the risk that other dogs will be encountered on these trails.
Dog owners are subject to City Bylaws.
Dog owners can face serious legal issues if they are found liable while skiing with their dog(s) on the Whitehorse Nordic Centre trails.
Dogs must be on a leash in parking areas - McIntyre Parking Lot and Dog/Sundog Parking Lot.
Dogs must be on a leash from the McIntyre Parking lot to the tie-up area (Dog Barking Lot) and from there on Chalet Trail, Sprint Ramp, under the Tunnel, and to the Dog parking lot Trailhead.
When waxing your skis, keep your dog in your car until you are ready to ski or tie the dog at the designated area.
Please remove dog feces from the trail surface. Pick up and place waste in the receptacle provided. There is a dispenser with plastic bags provided at the trailheads. In other areas, it is sufficient to flick waste off the trail and into the bush. Trowels hanging on trees from the Dog Parking Lot to the first hill are available to dispose of the waste.
Please keep dogs under control when approaching or overtaking other skiers and use a leash where requested.
Dogs should wear light in the dark at all times.
Rules are in effect throughout the ski season, as long as there is snow on the trails.
Skijoring rules:
One dog per skier only.
Ski jorers proceed at a reasonable and regular skier's pace from the Dog Parking Lot to Harvey's Hut and slow down when approaching other skiers in either direction.
When approaching skiers from behind, please announce your presence: "on your left" or "passing" would be sufficient.
It is the responsibility of the skijorer to prevent his/her dog and it's line from interfering with other skiers and their dogs, including, if necessary, shortening the skijor line while passing. It is the responsibility of other dog owners to prevent their dogs from interfering with skijorers and their dogs.
You can find the policy here: Dog Policy
Where Can You Ski With Your Dog?
Chalet to sprint Ramp, under the Tunel and to the Dog/Sundog Trailhead.
Dog and Sundog Trails
Logan Burn Trail
Lower and Upper Valley and Connectors
Copper Trail from Harvey's Hut to Copper Haul Road
Copper Haul Road
Mt. McIntyre Ascent and Descent
Jack Fraser Loop and Skyline Trail
The Canadian Canine Good Neighbor Test
It is a certification program that tests and identifies dogs that have the training and demeanor to be reliable family members as well as good-standing community members. The program tests dogs in simulated everyday situations in a relaxed atmosphere and is open to both purebred and mixed-breed dogs. Dog owners are encouraged to take the Canine Good Neighbor Test!
Access points for skiers with dogs
Dog/Sundog Parking Lot (off Hamilton Blvd, west of Sumanik Dr) is the best option for skiing with your dog. A day pass or membership must be purchased before using the ski trails, including Sundog Trail.
Mt. McIntyre Recreation Centre Parking Lot - The 'Dog Barking lot' tie-up area is located right across the trail in front of the Chalet. Carabiners are in place to easily tie your dog. It is recommended to keep your dog in the car until you are ready to ski as this is often less stressful for your pet. Dogs on a leash may be escorted from here southwards on Chalet Trail, then using the Sprint Ramp and under the road using the Tube. 200m after the tube is the Dog/Sundog trailhead where you can off leash your dog.